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The Report Center allows you to generate various reports that will allow you to keep track and analyze your sales, inventory, profit and much more. Reports such as employee-related reports, Sales reports, repair reports, layaway reports are just a few of the many reports that you can generate in CellSmart POS.

Generating Reports

  1. From the home screen, click on the Report icon.
  2. Scroll through the list of reports which are divided into categories.
  3. Click and select any Report to view or schedule them. ( Note: You can hover your mouse over a report to view a sample of it.)
  4. Select the From and To dates by clicking on any date in the Calender.
  5. Click on Create Report and report will be generated.

Scheduling Reports

You can schedule reports in CellSmart POS, and select the time period for when you want the report to be scheduled.

To Schedule reports you may:

  1. From the home screen, click on the Report icon.
  2. Scroll through the list of reports which are divided into categories.
  3. Click and select any Report to schedule them.
  4. In the Schedule Report, select  the From and To dates.
  5. Enter the Email address for where the report will be sent to by clicking on the Set Emails button.
  6. Select the email address from the list of e-mail address list.
  7. Enter the subject and the text in the body of the email and click send.
  8. Click save to schedule the report.

Search Reports

You can search reports in the report centre by entering the name of the report in the search field or by entering keywords that will quick search the report most related to the search.

Frequently run by Reports

These are reports that are most frequently generated by you or by the store. Reports also include CellSmart's top 10 reports. You may click on any category towards the left and generate a report.

Different Reports you can Generate

You can generate various reports in the Report Centre, reports are categorized as such:

Profit and loss, Sale by employees, cash count by date, tax collected and many more reports 

Made using CellSmart POS Version by Author F.K Published on 11/25/2016

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