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Store List


Store List provides you with a list of stores that you have created. You may also create your own stores, and enter their details such as address, contact number and etc.  By creating a store you can transfer products from one store/software to another, or create a product from one store and add it to all your other stores within a few clicks. This allows you to manage your inventory of all your stores using the same software and staying at one location.

Viewing your stores

  1. Click on the Inventory tab.
  2. Then, click on the Store List option,
  3. All your stores will be listed,
  4. Select a store from the list.,
  5. Click on the Eye icon from the options to view your store.

Creating a new store

  1. Click on the Inventory tab.
  2. Then, click on the Store List option,
  3. Click on the blue plus icon to create a new store.
  4. Enter the business name.
  5. click save to create the store.

Editing your stores

You can edit your store's information by:
  1. Clicking on the Inventory tab.
  2. Then, clicking on the Store List option,
  3. Selecting the store you want to edit from the list.
  4. Clicking on the pencil icon from the options menu.
  5. Editing the necessary information.
  6. Clicking on the save button  when done.

Made using CellSmart POS Version by Author F.K Published on 08/19/2016

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