Search Serial


The Search Serial option is one of the most useful features in CellSmart POS. It allows you to search an IMEI/serial number of a product and show you the related activities. For example, when you search for a phone that you've sold in the past. It will provide you with its purchase report details,  a detailed sales report, and return details if the phone was returned. You can use the search serial option to view all activities regarding a product.

Searching/Viewing a product

  1. Click on the Inventory tab.
  2. Then, click on the search serial icon,
  3. Enter the serial number/IMEI of the product in the search field. 
  4. Once all the activities are shown, click on an invoice and click on the Eye icon from the options to view the invoice.

Made using CellSmart POS Version by Author F.K Published on 08/5/2016

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