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Plan Management

1.       Click on admin tools from the menu bar at the top.

2.       Click on the pointer under the settings icon from the icon menu.

3.       Click on plan management.

4.       To add a new carrier click on the green plus sign under carrier section.

5.       Select the master carrier and set the name for the carrier as per convenience.

6.       Click on new to add a plan for the selected carrier from the list.

7.       Select the carrier, and set the amount under bill amount.

8.       Set a name for the plan, check any add-ons applied.

9.       Click on save.

10.   To create a new add-on click on the green plus sign under add-on section.

11.   Type in the name for the add-on.

12.   Set the amount under amount.

13.   Click on save.

Made using CellsmartPos Version 3.0.1 by Author A.G  Published on 03/05 /2015

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