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How to close a Repair: with no inventory, with inventory or with an outside source

  •     Click on the list from the menu bar at the top.
  •     Click on the repair icon from the icon menu.
  •      Select the repair ticket and click on the deliver icon.

no inventory used:

1.       Click on the options button then click To Edit button.

2.       Click on the fixed icon.

3.       Click on no expense.

4.       Here the checkout window appears and you can close out the repair.

with inventory used:

1.       Click on the options button then click To Edit button.

2.       Click on the fixed icon.

3.       Click on used inventory

4.       In item code, search for the repair item that you used towards the repair

5.       Select the item (the inventory amount should match the sub Total)

6.       Click on checkout to close out the repair.

with an outside source:

1.       Click on the options button then click To Edit button.

2.       Click on the fixed icon.

3.       Click on outside icon.

4.       Enter the vendor's name.

5.       Enter the cost price.

6.       Click paid then save the payment.

7.       Click on checkout to close out the repair.

Made using CellsmartPos Version 3.0.1 by Author A.G  Published on 02/11/2015


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