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How to sell a Topup from Dashbord

1.       Under customer information section on the main register/dashboard window type the name of the  customer.

2.       On the main register/dashboard window, type in the item code/name of the topup carrier.

3.       Click on the shopping cart button in green to add to the item list.

4.       Click on Checkout and a checkout window will pop-up.

5.       Click on save a customer receipt will be generated.

6.       In the left bottom corner of the pos, a pending payment notification will appear.

7.       Click on the notification and select a payment provider, then save.

8.       Select the phone number and hit enter to see the customer’s information.

9.       Using the browser to make the payment to the provider then enter the payment ID then click save.



Made using CellsmartPos Version 3.0.1 by Author A.G  Published on 02/11/2015

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