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How to setup a receipt and dymo printer in the software

When the receipts aren't printing in the software, most likely it is because its not setup as the default printer in the software.

  1. Click on admin tools from the menu bar at the top.

  2. Click on the pointer under the settings icon from the icon menu.

  3. From the drop down setting list, click on printer settings.

  4. Under receipt printer and cash drawer, press the drop down for receipt printer and select the necessary receipt printer.
  5. Under report and label printer, press the drop down for report printer and select the necessary printer to print your reports.
  6. If you have a Dymo printer, check have dymo printer then press the drop down and select the necessary Dymo Printer.
  7. Once finished click on save.

Made using CellsmartPos Version 3.0.1 by Author A.G  Published on 02/11/2015

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