Version Release Notes


New Features:

  • Added Approval/Decline messaging when performing a credit card transaction using PayFac Processing.

    • Approval:

    • Declined:

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved a problem with the Out of Stock Inventory report displaying incorrect column headers and title.

  • Resolved a problem where credit card refunds were not being processed/recorded correctly for users setup with PayFac processing.

  • Resolved a problem where selecting the Cancel option when performing a PayFac credit card transaction would not cancel the transaction.

Feature Improvements:

  • Changed functionality when sending a payment signal to the P5 payment terminal. The same transaction ID will be kept if the signal is needing to be re-sent to the device and no details have been changed.

  • Removed the ability to add surcharge fees to the Credit and Debit Card payment methods in accordance with credit card processor compliance.

We release updates to add feature requests, patch emergency hotfixes, make changes, and fix major bug issues. If anyone in your business/organization believes that there are issues or has suggestions that they believe are necessary, please give us a call at 347-391-2600. Not everything that our customers report to us are actual issue, and we are glad to show you how to use features properly. We are also glad to take down issues if they are critical!

Update Release Date: 02/27/2024

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