Version Release Notes
- 3575 – Replace Item has been added to the whole Sale and it can be found in “Admin Tool”
- 3563 - Disable copy and paste of serial number in inventory count. This option is at General setting called “Allow copy and paste of serial number in inventory count”
- 3570 – We change the name of Transaction report to Transaction by category and added new report transaction which is without the group
- 3553 – Sold used item report is now multi-store compatible
- 3571, 3363 – Password Vault feature.
- 3597 – Initial Stock option is added in Product
- A summary report is added
- 3559 – User can disable the graph via adding monthly target value to zero
- 3557 – Print label option is moved to printer setting from general settings
- 3591 – Notification message will pop up on the repurchase of IMEI which is already sold before.
- 3589 – UPC code added in pending invoice report
- 3593 – If the user selected do not allow a shift to close with pending invoice then Shift will now not close unless pending invoices has been clear
- 3561– Option added on repair issue to select all and deselect all issues
- 3585 – Payment will move to pending when the complete invoice is Edit or payment method is changed
- 3533 – Inactive Employee update on runtime.
- 3555 – Thread error on the product when adding multiple barcode issues resolved
- 3573 – Sale Register graph is now working for repairs
- 3587 – Clear payment glitch fixed
- 3582 – Print Exception fixed
- 3595 – Refunded payment are now reflecting on shift close
- 3596 – Discount payment was reflecting as negative tax amount
- 3598 – Employee Cost price issue while doing refund
- 3601 - SKU and balance issue fix on pending invoice
- 3602 - Refunding of the bill payment will not show on bill payment by provider report