Version Release Notes
- The following report has ability for Multi-Store Report
- Employee Sale By Category
- Sale By Employee
- Inventory- Daily Inventory Flow SnapShot
- Sale By-Products
- Profit & Loss By Date
- Profit & Loss Detailed By Transaction
- Standard Multi-Store Profit Loss
- Bill Payment By Provider
- The wholesale Saleability added - user now can Purchase and sale it directly to the dashboard.
- French Language support added (Beta)
- Credit Card Account Number Verification has been added
- Repair Note can be downloadable from Repair List
- Task Management has been re-added in software.
- Date and Time format have been changed into a simple format.
Improvement and Bug fixes:-
- Cash drawer restricting employees to ask for the admin permission on opening cash drawers without sales issue resolved.
- If “Show cost price” option is unchecked – user cannot see invoice total in the transfer made.
- Product name renaming to activation on every bill payment issue resolved.
- ePay PagePlus pin, not auto merge issue resolved
- Inactive user won’t show on time clock
- Layaway not showing IMEI Number on receipt.
- Tax report not subtracting discount issue resolved.
- Inventory adjustment showing on batch
- Product Edit HCI improve