Ability to make bill payments quicker
The current way of making payments takes too long. We have go to for instance to: Epay tab type in customer phone number, select carrier, enter bill payment amount and checkout for every customer. Some people would say I should use those key tags but the problem with those is some people don't even know their phone number or carrier much less they will remember to bring those key tags every time they come in to the store.
The solution:
Implement or improve the search box we currently have at the admin tab so once we type in the customers number it does this:
- Displays list of all transactions that number was used so if customer only pays their bill at the store it will show last payments he/she made. once this is shown....here is the next important thing: from the list is being displayed we can select/copy the last payment he made and if the customer has the same carrier same plan we just take the money and print the new receipt since everything remained the same as previous/last payment. ] If customer did change their plan we can adjust it right there by just chaging amounts, nothing complicated. If customer changed carriers we could just EDIT that receipt to new carrier and plan, no need to go and do what he have to do now. If customer added or wants to pay a different carrier we can just add it to that receipt. So next month the customer comes in and wants to pay for those two lines we just copy/select last payment and thats it. If customer just wants to pay for one of those lines we just edit/delete the one he doesn't to pay at that time.
This way we have control in one windows which carriers this customer has, which he wants to pay at that time and what if anything has to be removed or added for future payments.
By having this implemented we would spend less time with the same customer and move on to the next. I currently do this types of transaction on quick books and it make thing so much easier and quicker. I would really like all the people behind improving this pos system to implement this because the current way of doing or trying to do this is complicated, takes time and upon having this it will attract more people to using this pos system since it simplifies things a lot.