The previous Repair system was much better and more helpful, as well as professional and bugfree than the most recent one.
The repair system before the major update that changed it was easier to work with: when we hit "Fixed" it popped up with the 3 options (inventory used, no expense, 3rd party). That was the perfect way to do it because it gave us immediate perspective on what to do next to check out the customer the fastest and most efficient way. In the new system we had to go to a different TAB to add inventory (a longer way to do it, and sometimes makes us forget to add inventory - will only remind us when we try to check out which also extends the time of checkout). Please revert the repair system how it was.

We have been getting a lot of mixed feedback on the repair module. We are starting our customer advisory board this month, be on the look out for an invite in your email. Lets discuss the repair module in detail during our board meetings.