Just like any other POS System, I need to be able to change a method payment from Cash to Credit or to Dedit at any time.
As an Owner, I am requesting the ability to be able to change the method of paymnet if an employee makes a mistake. In other words, if lets say I, take a payment and accidently pressed cash instead of credit or debit, as a Manager or Owner I should be able to fix it at the end of day or weeks not an employee. Even if its Epay!
Blocking me from fixing this forces me to manualy write or typei t in another software defeating the purpose of using one smart software.
Falero Comm/West Allis, Wi

Anonymous commented
I know the feeling I have complained many times, it's like these people have never operated a retail business before.
Transactions in the current shift can edit the transaction; change the price, change the method of payment etc. After a shift is closed you can no longer edit a transaction. This is industry standard. Just go to "Transaction", select the transaction you want to edit and click "edit", change what you would like to change and click "Checkout"