Make the cash register breakdown automatically include the cash float for easier closing procedures.
How it works now is very inefficient.
It should work as follows.
Total sales + starting cash float counted down together = deposit amount - starting cash float.
Example :
If you have a starting till of $250 and on that day did $686.99 in cash transactions, your drawer total should be $936.99.
You would proceed to close the register and count money. Total system count for cash should be $686.99, plus total system count of cash float $250.00, to equal 936.99.
You will count ALL money in the drawer. The system is adding $250 to the float and $686.99 to the expected deposit.
You only have to count once, not counting the drawer and taking a bit out at a time to balance the drawer and make the deposit at the same time.
This method is faster, easier, and leads to less error as the system will indicate ANY deviation from the original system count.
For example, if you forgot to give someone back change ($4.36), when doing the count at the end of the night it would look something like this :
Float - (- $250.00) (this is the amount that should ALWAYS be in the drawer no matter what)
System Count - (- $936.99) of $936.99
Once you add all of the cash together, it'll look like this :
Float - $250.00
System count - $941.35 of $936.99
Over/Short = Over by $4.36
$250.00 for the drawer, $691.35 ($686.99 + $4.36 OVERAGE) for deposit
Estevan, great feedback. We have made some changes to make it easier for you to understand the breakdown of your cash flow throughout the day. If you still think it is complicated or can be made easier please contact one of our customer service agents to get a better understanding of this or please join our Customer Advisory Board to help us create a better breakdown.