Change the search parameters
Currently, the search feature is a mess.
I have my inventory for example, Apple iPhone 6 / 6S Shell Case - Black.
This is descrptive and I figured easily searchable. There are spaces so that it can look for a specific key word. Unfortunetally, if I type in 6 shell or iphone 6 shell, it doesn't pop it up. This is because it is missing the / 6s.
The search parameters are to literal. This means we need to go a longer way of just typing the first part of what we are looking for. Say iphone 6. From there we go through the list to find a case out of every accessory we have listed for it.
The bes thing to do is have it done as key words instead of a literal check. I know this means rewriting several lines of code and lots of testing, but it can save significant hassle and time for everyone. If we can drop our ticket creation times from 3 minutes to 2, we could get in 10 more people an hour or 50% more income possible.
It will also be easier during training. Anyone that I hasn't been here a while and knows exactly how they are put in just has to do a lot of scrolling.
I know that there are barcodes that can be used, but using one on every single thing we have in stock just doesn't make sense. It would cost of several hundred more dollars a year. Let alone the extra space needed to store the items in boxes big enough for a bar code.
Please change this so that it is on par with almost every other search feature out there today.